Module 1 – Introduction

Virtual ISSP
The ISSP is normally presented by an advisor who organizes the various meetings with the main actors of the organization. The advisor sets up the analysis of the current situation, implying the computer specialists in the gathering of information.
For the virtual version, a person having authority must pilot the project with the advisor at distance. Computer scientists should be working with the group. You can present the video to the head management to introduce the plan. It’s a summary of the 9 modules. You will find a PowerPoint copy if you wish to give the presentation yourself and adapt the texts to your organization. The template is the document that must be completed throughout the process. It’s the ISSP plan.
ISSP Presentation
ISSP Template

What is ISSP?
An Information System Strategic Plan (ISSP) is a document that details the comprehensive technology-enabled business management processes an organization uses to guide operations. It serves as a guide to IT-related decision making, with IT tasks prioritized and implemented using the plan as a framework.
The plan also helps guide an organization as it formulates its overall IT strategy. While an IT strategy focuses on how IT will help the business succeed, an IT strategic plan is a roadmap to help the business implement those strategies. The plan outlines areas where IT can contribute business value and where an organization can gain competitive advantage by making the best use of technology resources.

The ISSP includes:
Strategic Plan Where are we? Where are we going? Why? How will we get there?
Project Plan What are we trying to achieve? How will we make it happen?
Operational Plan What do we need to do to make it all happen and know we are on track?
Service Plan Who are the clients? What will be their benefits? How?
Financial Plan Where is the money coming from? Where is it going to? Is it enough?
Evaluation Plan How do we know we are doing a good job? How do we improve what we are doing?