Module 6 – Needs Analysis

Meet the Heads
You have an inventory of hardware, software and training needs. Now you have to consolidate these lists with each department. A meeting with the heads will be necessary in order to grasp the needs of the department with more precision. By sharing the information received, you will discuss future prospects in order to draft a future plan.
Following these meetings, the ISSP plan manager will list the needs expressed, indicating an approximate amount for each request. How many equipment, how many computers, what software should we acquire?

System Implementation
If it is expected that the organization will buy a system that will change the work organization, management will need to be sensitized to the creation of an implementation team.
This project action team would be in charge of preparing the changes in the company, organize the training and plan the installation of the new system,

Creation of IT department
If the organization does not have an IT department and wants to create one, managers will have to be prepared to achieve this objective. The following document was prepared by a working group on the creation of an IT department in municipalities in the Philippines.
We have already see in module 3, the models A to E. This should have been discussed between heads department and direction. This document could be a good basis to understand the different models for the creation of an IT department.
Guidebook on IT Model Organizational

Creation of IT Committee
The organisation should consider creating an IT Committee that would have the functions of defining the mission and goals of IT resources, authorize and direct the development of the strategic and operational plans for IT resources.
If the ISSP plan responsible is part of the organization’s strategic planning team, he will be able to more easily link the plan to the objectives and prepare the documents for the next meeting: strategic choices.