Module 4 – Environmental Analysis

What’s around you?
Organizations do not operate in a vacuum but rather in a dynamic environment that has a direct influence on how they operate and whether they will achieve their objectives.
This external organization environment is composed of numerous outside organizations and forces that we can group into seven key subenvironments, as illustrated: economic, political and legal, demographic, social, competitive, global, and technological. Each of these sectors creates a unique set of challenges and opportunities for organizations.

What is the impact on my plan?
Many organizations use technology to create change, improve efficiencies, and streamline operations. Mobile technology allows organizations to communicate with employees, customers, suppliers, and others at the swipe of a tablet or smartphone screen.
So when formulating your computerization plan, you have to take into account what is going on outside your organization. For example, how do you want to communicate with your customers? Should an application be provided? A website? Should we integrate social networks? So many questions that will be answered by analyzing your environment to find how you will relate to the external actors.