Module 7 – Reports

TCPDF and CodeIgniter

Reports are constructed using a combination of TCPDF and CodeIgniter. You can have information about TCPDF at Here is a shortlist of the main commands you might need with TCPDF.

The report form you can see on the left side is using MVC. The controller Report controls the view and organizes the treatment with the criteria chosen by the user.

Reports in MEB

In MEB, each report has its own controller and the report template is composed of the methods in TCPDF and the Table class of CodeIgniter.

In this document, you will find more explanation and some exercises on how to add a new field in a report. You will also work on the creation of a new report in a 5 steps method.

This short video will present how TCPDF is integrated into CodeIgniter and describe the MVC of reports.